Tuesday, October 20, 2015

#1 Mixtape Cover Designer In The World For Indie Artist

In the music industry, how you present yourself is often just as significant as your overall talent. Although this fact has been proven, many artists simply choose to ignore the necessity for a   well crafted mixtape cover design. It doesn’t matter how great of a project you have if people aren’t drawn to it by your cover. They can’t tell how good your music is from the outside, and what you put on the front of your mixtape is what will entice people to take a listen. 

Now the questions are raised, “How do I go about making a good design?” or “How do I even know if my design is good?” There are several ways to go about making your cover, but the most trustworthy method is to get in touch with a good graphic designer. Putting together a good cover is not necessarily an easy task, but it doesn’t mean that it can’t be done. With the right resources and available time, anyone can get a great design that works excellently with their project. 

The only thing that complicates designing nowadays is the variety of new tools and techniques in addition to the basic elements such as colors, hues, and gradients. With so many options, it is common for artists to have second thoughts now and then. The best way to avoid confusion and be satisfied with your final result is to find a good designer that you trust and can easily communicate with throughout the process.

The are several different aspects to producing music industry quality mixtape covers that involve time as well as a bit of expertise. Not having a well-qualified team will only end up compromising the quality of each component of your design. Nowadays it can be observed that bright colors have become popularized in clothes, accessories, and cars. In accordance with this trend, your mixtape design should pop out from the rest and grab people’s attention.  Like this before and after mixtape design..

Mixtape Cover Art


Lots of artists try to make a unique and catchy design for the face of their project, but in the end not everyone is able to achieve this. It’s not so much about having the most expensive design as it is about presenting your brand. People aren’t going to care how great your mixtape looks if they don’t know who the artist is.

Many would argue that the presence of your brand is the most essential aspect of your design. I’m not talking about representing your record label or the clothes you wear. I’m referring to the traits of your personality that you want people to be aware of. Tell people who you are on the front of your project so that they can identify with you throughout your career. 

This takes a bit of self-exploration, and not every artist chooses to find his own identity. Instead, many will look to stars who are more popular and try to copy their unique image. People connect with artists because of what makes them unique, so find what makes you unique and market it well. Part of that marketing will come from your mixtape cover designs.  

At this point you should start to see that your cover is quite important and it serves several purposes. Perhaps the biggest role of your cover is to attract people to your music. In the same way that we have a tendency to judge a book by its cover, people will judge whether or not your music is worthy of being listened to by the visual art you choose to represent it with. In addition to drawing people in, your designs act as a brief summary of your music.

 By looking at the art on the front of your mixtape, people should be able to tell a bit about the genre and style of music within. In addition to these purposes, people will make a judgment about the artist based off of the design. If the design looks cheap and is not very aesthetically pleasing, people will assume that the artist has no concern for beauty and probably presents himself in the same way. All of these factors should weigh heavily on your decision to get a well-made cover.
 Perhaps the most important stage of designing your cover is the initial planning. Generally, as long as you have a thoroughly detailed plan for the production of your design, all will go smoothly. However, even if you have conjured an excellent plan, it is important to pay close attention to the different stages of production. Something you’ll want to watch out for is the compatibility of your cover with the theme of your music. 

Giving people one idea with the outside of your project and a separate idea within your music would be an abuse of their trust. Also, it is very important to never copy or plagiarize any images when designing your mixtape. Because there are many different aspects of mixtape production, it can be hard to focus on the cover, but it’s important to put as much focus as possible on the design.

 Due to the importance of this issue, make sure you hire someone you trust who can get it done on time and has plenty of experience and expertise. Also, make sure beforehand that you know how many copies of your mixtape you will be producing and when you need them to be ready for sale. It is important for your designer to know the deadlines you are trying to meet.

Because the face of your music is such a large part of who you are as an artist, it’s important not to compromise the quality of the design for a designer who may be cheaper. When deciding who to hire, take a look at their portfolio and see how well they worked with other artists. Although it may be costly to hire an excellent designer, the result will be worth it. The impact that a good designer can have on your career may be monumental, so hire a good production team and have peace of mind knowing that they will get the job done excellently.

After you’ve enlisted a professional to work on your mixtape design  a quality product is pretty much guaranteed. Paying close attention during the production stages will further increase your chances of having a result you can be proud of. A good cover and good music are the two best tools an artist can use to gain attention. In conclusion, spend a great deal of time on your mixtape to let people know who you are and what your music is about, and odds are it will have a huge impact on your career. 

So do you want a hi quality design that will make your mixtape or single standout? Click Here

Monday, October 5, 2015

Read this To Make Sure You Won't Be Stuck Being A Local Rapper Forever

Important: Are You On Facebook? Then Like Us (Click like us and our page will open)to get access to music resources that will help you build your career as an Indie Artist the right way.

How To More Than A Local Rapper 

Are you falling victim to the lazy local artist music trap?  I know in your head you’re thinking what the in hell is he talking about.Well the lazy local artist music trap is  when you get caught up in the local scene and don’t do any promoting anywhere else and you never try to learn the marketing and business side of the game even though they have all the resources right in front of their face online.

You can also become a lazy rapper indirectly and you don’t even know it because in your eyes your’re making moves promoting your music ,but the reality is you’re doing the samething over and over and you’re not really making any progress in the music business  or building your career.

Yeah you might be doing more than other artist in your city,but hell they ain’t doing nothing either  so don’t focus on  being the best of the worst you need to be trying to catch up with artist like Kevin Gates, and the Migos for example they’re milking the music game. I would watch all their marketing strategies and apply them to my music marketing game plan.

Here are tips to help you avoid getting caught up in the the local artis music trap:

1.You get caught up watching what other artist or doing and you find yourself  becoming ealous because it seems like their making big moves on Facebook to you because your not making any moves lol, and you start trying to mimic what their doing and then you start doing the samething spamming your music all over Facebook for likes instead of focusing on getting your music in front of new fans to build your fanbase at the end of the day thats what matters its about getting your music to as many fans as possible everyday all over the world.

2.You fall for thee so called big promoters hustle where they setup a show with a kind of big act and then they come after all the independent artist in there city and try to ge them to pay a chunk of money to open up for the artist lol lol. You need to spend your money smart opening up for an artist ain’t gonna do shit for your career unless you want bragging rights and that ain’t what you want you want new fans.

So instead of wasting money opening up for acts and just putting money in the promoters pockets spend that money on some radio promotion, press releases, or even a publicist who can get your music on all the major music blogs and get you real exposure.

Your whole goal is to get new fans and in front of new faces not the same people you perform for twice a month.Your fanbase will never grow.So stop wasting money and google music publicist they are the key to breaking artist online they work directly with the media outlets.

3.You don’’t invest money into your career. Every business has a monthly budget for advertising and the music business is no different you should a budget every month to promote your music even if its a small amount. You can  buy facebook ads for your music and target music fans who like artist similar to your sound and that cost pennies for example. Another thing is spending money on your branding  from your mixtape cover art,logo design, party flyers etc need to be professional all the time. Don’t be that cheap ass artist always trying to get favors and get shit for free if it’s free it probably isn’t h quality no real designers are promoters are doing stuff for free their in the business for the money just like everybody else.

So i you’re trying to make it in the new digital music world take the time out to learn the business and don’t’ be afraid to invest in yourself whether you’re paying for a professional music graphic designer to create your mixtape covers, or if you’re paying to go on a tour at the end of the day.